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Pool Opening Tips

After what felt like the longest winter we’ve ever experienced, it is finally time to get your pool opened back up and ready for summer again!


Opening your pool can be daunting. Especially when you finally get the cover off (with two feet of water and leaves weighing it down) and you find a swamp underneath. My dad used to tell me, “If you’re not going to do it right, don’t do it at all.” The same sort of mentality can be applied to pool care. When you open your pool, open it the COMPLETE way for the easiest and quickest transition from green to clean.


Pool Opening Complete®

  • Turns water amazingly clear
  • Removes winter filth
  • Cleans pool water
  • Works in all pool types (in-ground, above ground, saltwater)





  • Cleaner and deodorizer that allows for storage of wet pool covers
  • Extends the life of most swimming pool covers
  • Prevents covers from sticking together when folded
  • May be used to clean and store other poolside items



One of the most forgotten (and most important) steps of opening your pool is chemically cleaning the filter. If the filter is still full of muck from the year before, it is not going to effectively pick up dead algae and other contaminants in the pool built up over the winter. We recommend chemically cleaning your filter twice a season; at closing or opening, and once around the 4th of July. You should also chemically clean after an algae bloom or after removing metals from the water. Under normal circumstances with a clean pool it is okay to occasionally just rinse off the filter really well, but keep in mind that cleaning your filter without a chemical cleaner is like taking a shower and not using shampoo. Use Strip Kwik and Kleen it to strip your filter of greases, dirt, metals, and scale build-up for the highest filter efficiency.



  • Removes grease and oil from filter by acting as a shampoo
  • Reduces maintenance costs
  • Works on all filter types





Kleen It®

  • Removes metal, dirt and scale from filter
  • Cleans sand, DE and cartridge filters
  • Spray or soak application



It is important to clean your pool the best you can before you bring in your first water sample. We ask that you scoop or vacuum the debris out, brush the walls, and run the filter for 48 hours before we test the water. If the pool is still full of leaves and algae, the water test and chemicals added will not be nearly as effective and you will end up using more chemicals than you may need.

We are so excited that this winter is finally over, and can’t wait to see our friends and loyal customers. See you soon!


Written by Advanced Spa And Pool