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Pool Waterline Build Up – What Is It?

What is it?

A greasy coating on the walls along the waterline of the pool is evidence that there is a saturation of undissolved materials in the water while a ring of rough patches may be a sign of scale. Most of the time, oils, lotions, and other organic contaminants that enter the water via swimmers cause greasy buildup. Scale conditions are due to hard water problems or failure to correct water balance issues. If this occurs frequently, we recommend bringing us a water sample to determine the cause of the build-up. Waterline build-up or a “scum line” will occur naturally, as most of the time it is coming from the swimmers. Use an Enzyme product weekly after removing the build-up to keep it at bay. Depending on the type of pool surface, removing the build-up can be difficult without any chemical cleaning products. BioGuard’s cleaning products offer a softer and more efficient approach to removing unsightly rings around your pool.

To remove waterline build-up:

  • Add Pool Juice™ 911 to remove contaminants such as oils, lotions, and grease
  • Add Scale Inhibitor to gradually remove scale from pool surfaces
  • Use a surface appropriate pool brush and Off The Wall® to quickly clean surfaces near the waterline


To prevent waterline build-up:

  • Add Pool Complete to your weekly maintenance routine to help keep surfaces cleaner
  • Backwash filter when necessary



Written by Advanced Spa And Pool