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Is Your Spa Leaking? Try Fix-A-Leak


Is your spa leaking? Spa leaks can become a big problem over time, leading to higher water bills, higher electrical bills, and higher chemical usage. Frequently topping off the water level in the spa causes the water temperature to drop, causing the heater to work harder, and use more electricity. Adding new water also changes the water chemistry, and you will find yourself adding more sanitizer and needing to balance the water more frequently. Finding and fixing leaks in spas can be a very lengthy and costly project, especially for older spas with full spray in foam. Fix-A-Leak can be a low-cost fix for small leaks in spas.

Instructions for use:

This type of application will be for hot tub/spa leaks that are minor in nature. When you know your hot tub/spa is leaking but cannot detect a noticeable water drop inside the spa a wet spa pad or actual water slowly dripping onto the pad or floor may be the cause. Since it will be difficult to determine if you have sealed this type of leak follow the steps below.

Remove all cartridge filters.

Pour the entire contents of the bottle into the filter intake or directly into the spa.

On day 1 run the spa for 4-6 hours, alternating between the low and high-speed jets.

Since the jets usually run on a 15-minute cycle, you must be present to restart once the cycle kicks off.

After the 4-6 hours you can shut off your spa or just allow the recirculating pump to periodically run its cycle.**

On day two, if the leak has slowed but not stopped, broom the bottom of your hot tub/spa before restarting the process as you did on day one of alternating between high and low speed jets for 4-6 hours.

After day two leave the spa off for 48 hours. During this time frame check to see if the water level is stable and if the hot tub/spa pad remains dry.

**Note: The leak may stop after the first day, in which case you can
proceed to the instructions below.

We recommend draining your spa after treatment as long as night temperatures remain over 40F. If temperatures dip below 40F for any length of time you may reinstall the filter(s) and remove the remainder of Fix A Leak out of the Spa or Hot Tub, making sure to take them out now and then to rinse under hot water to remove any Fix A Leak residue. If you are able to drain the Spa, make sure that as the water level is going down to wipe down the Spa with a warm wet soft cloth or towel to ensure all remaining residue of Fix A Leak is removed. If it is not thoroughly wiped away it can leave a white residue. Once the Spa shell is cleaned, let the Spa sit empty for 5-7 days to attempt to cure the FIX A LEAK from the inside of the plumbing (as the foam insulation will remain wet or damp for months on end).
Keep in mind water may still drip from the saturated foam surrounding the hot tub/spa.

Once this process is completed, refill your spa, add your chemicals and resume normal operation.


Written by Advanced Spa And Pool